Xiamen again named one of China's Best Cities for Talent Attraction

Recently, Xiamen was honored as one of the "Best Chinese Cities for Talent Attraction" for the third consecutive year, following its recent recognition as one of the "Most Attractive Chinese Cities for Foreign Talent." The city's efforts in global talent acquisition include establishing its first foreign academician workstation and introducing 34 outstanding Ph.D. graduates from renowned global universities through the Optimal Talent Development Program. Xiamen has also launched a specialized service window for international talent attraction, formed a city-wide talent attraction alliance, and consistently offers over 2000 high-quality job positions. Platforms like the "Hai-Link Business Workshop," "China Overseas Talents Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition," and "Su Song Cup" Future Industrial Technology Innovation Competition have attracted nearly 600 global talent projects this year. So far, the city has welcomed 1,924 international students and over 3,200 international talents for employment, a 10% increase compared to last year.

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