18 investment projects signed at Xiamen Marine Tech Transfer Fair

On the morning of November 10th, the 2023 Xiamen World Ocean Week Commercialization Fair for Marine Scientific and Technological Achievements, or "Xiamen Marine Fair," officially opened. The opening ceremony featured the signing of 18 investment projects in the Xiamen Marine High-tech Industrial Park, amounting to an intended investment of 6.3 billion yuan. Since 2022, the city has attracted over 10 billion yuan in marine investment intentions. On November 11th, a significant side event of the Xiamen Marine Fair—the Marine Economy Project Contracting and Marine Technology Achievement Promotion—saw 19 marine economy projects signed, totaling 340 million yuan. These projects span various sectors like marine bio-pharma, high-end marine equipment, smart marine technologies, and marine aquaculture. Among the signed projects are 12 newly initiated in 2023 under the Xiamen Marine and Fisheries Development Special Fund, with a total planned investment of 278 million yuan, expected to generate an additional output of 1.018 billion yuan.
