Outstanding semi-annual report of 130 provincial key projects in Xiamen

Xiamen's 130 provincial key projects, with an annual planned investment of 82.07 billion yuan, achieved an investment of 54.32 billion yuan from January to June this year, completing 66.2% of the annual planned investment. This progress exceeded the scheduled target by 16.2 percentage points, ranking at the forefront in the province, and achieving "over half" of the investment. In the first half of the year, the city arranged a total of 78 major preliminary projects with a total investment of 391.317 billion yuan. At present, 23 projects, accounting for 29.5% and totaling 32.58 billion yuan, including the Innovative Formulation Integrated Enterprise Headquarters of LP Pharma to International Standards and the Phase I Project of Xinglin Bay Ecological Environment Improvement, have been promoted and commenced construction.
