Xiamen accelerates construction of key projects

From January to April, Xiamen ranked first in the completion rate of provincial key projects in Fujian Province. A total of 130 provincial key projects and 78 major preliminary projects in the city exceeded the planned targets for the period from January to April. The annual planned investment for the 130 provincial key projects in Xiamen was 82.07 billion yuan, with an actual investment of 34.71 billion yuan in the first four months, surpassing the planned investment by 5.37 billion yuan, and completing 42.3% of the annual plan, 9 percentage points ahead of the scheduled progress. The construction of major preliminary projects in the city is progressing in an orderly manner. Currently, out of the 78 major preliminary projects in Xiamen, 17 projects have started construction, accounting for 21.79% of the total, with a total investment of 23.743 billion yuan.
