Xiamen's Biomedical Industry Development unveils exciting new highlights

Since the beginning of this year, the pace of innovation in Xiamen's biomedical industry has been rapidly accelerating. Several prominent enterprises have been strategically expanding their operations in the city, further solidifying Xiamen's position as a key player in the industry. Currently, Xiamen is prioritizing the establishment of a "4 + 4 + 6" modern industrial system, several policies such as Measures to Accelerate the High-quality Development of the Biomedical Industry in Xiamen promoted the improvement of the technological innovation capabilities of the biomedical industry. Next, Xiamen will proactively establish a robust foundation in cutting-edge biotherapeutic technology, synthetic biology, marine biomedicine, innovative vaccines, and other related fields. We will expedite the enhancement of the biomedical industry chain, innovation chain, capital chain, talent chain, and service chain, with the ultimate goal of creating a "bio-economic pioneer area." By 2025, it is anticipated that the biopharmaceutical industry in the city will surpass 150 billion yuan, positioning itself as a national strategic emerging industry demonstration cluster and a distinctive center for innovation in the biopharmaceutical sector.

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