Recovery seen in tourism and consumption in Xiamen

During the Spring Festival, the number of tourists, the revenue of tourist activities, and other major tourist economy indicators embraced a strong pickup. Visitors to Kulangsu Island exceeded 250,000 in the 7-day holiday, and the daily number of visitors exceeded 40,000 for four consecutive days. According to the data, Xiamen ranked third among the top 10 tourist destinations during the Spring Festival. The tourist landscape dominated by local and surrounding routes in the past three years is changing this year. According to the statistical data, 91.1% visitors staying Xiamen overnight came from other provinces. In addition, the "Xiamen Consumption Festival" has launched more than a hundred online and offline promotion campaigns and the government has released a line of policies to stimulate consumption, including consumption vouchers and cashback. Xiamen is currently making efforts to create an international consumption hub city. Globally known high-end commercial brands are encouraged to settle in Xiamen, establish their first stores, flagship stores, and experience stores here, release new products, and strengthen the capability of supplying high-end products.
