Centralized construction begins on 50 major projects in Xiamen

On November 17, the city held its centralized commencement of major projects. 50 major projects with investments totaling 79.7 billion yuan were initiated in each district, with projects covering industry, infrastructure, social livelihood, and other sectors. Among which, there were 26 industrial projects, with a total investment of 58 billion yuan, which included sectors such as digital economy, electronic information, machinery and equipment, and commercial logistics. There were 24 infrastructure and social projects, with a total investment of 21.7 billion yuan, which included municipal roads, schools, hospitals, and urban renewal. The total investment of the Xiamen Digital Industry Computing Center Project stands at 6 billion yuan, with a total construction area of about 176,000 square meters. Planned to be completed by 2025, it intends to serve the BRICS Innovation Base, and build an industry-oriented computing center and digital industrial innovation base. After completion, the project will become the first city-level intelligent computing center in the province and the largest data center in the city, providing cloud computing and cloud services for industrial computing, industrial simulation, industrial design, and other areas.

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