Xiamen releases its 14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Modern Service Industry

Recently, Xiamen released its 14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Modern Service Industry (hereinafter referred to as the Plan). The Plan underscores that by 2025, the scale of Xiamen's service industry will steadily grow, and its industrial structure and regional layout will see optimization. Mainstay industries including trade and logistics, financial services, software, information and technology services, and creative cultural tourism will rise to a more prominent position. A high-quality, efficient, dynamic, and highly competitive modern service industry system will take shape, which will play a more remarkable role in supporting the economy. The quality and performance of Xiamen's service industry will match that of the best cities in China. This will further enhance the competitiveness and radiating influence of Xiamen's service industry. The Plan specifies the important tasks pertaining to trade and logistics, financial services, software, information and technology services, and creative cultural tourism as well as five major projects during the 14th five-year period

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