World Business Leaders Roundtable to kick off

The 21st World Business Leaders Roundtable will be held on September 7, 2022 at Xiamen International Conference & Exhibition Center. As one of the important supporting events of CIFIT, this year, the World Business Leaders Roundtable is under the theme of "RCEP - New Vision for Regional Cooperation and Development". Guests being invited will include major government officials from RCEP members, ambassadors to China, international institutions of industry and commerce, people in charge from Global 500 companies and leading enterprises of the industry. Discussions centering around multiple topics will be carried out to help enterprises to seize the opportunities presented by the RCEP, facilitate cooperation in economy and trade among RCEP members, and establish a platform and pooling consensus for driving integrated development of regional economy and world economic recovery and growth. In the meantime, a signing session will be held at the roundtable. Activities such as trade matchmakings and business tours will also be arranged.
