Xiamen's GDP grows by 5.4% in the first half of the year

In the first half of the year, the economy of Xiamen exhibited a positive trend of consolidated stability and resilience. The gross regional production (GRP) of the city reached 366.319 billion yuan, up by 5.4% over the last year with the growth rate higher than the national value and the provincial value by 2.9 and 0.8 percentage points. In terms of the industrial structure, the ratio of the three industries was 0.3: 41.3: 58.1. The added value of the primary industry was 1.091 billion yuan, up by 5.3%; the added value of the secondary industry was 152.255 billion yuan, up by 5.5%; the added value of the tertiary industry was 212.973 billion yuan, up by 5.4%. In the first half year, the added value of the industries above the designated scale grew by 5.4% throughout the city. The investment in fixed assets registered a stable growth with a paid-in investment of 160.246 billion yuan throughout the city. In the first half of the year, the total trade amount of Xiamen stood at 444.315 billion yuan, up by 8.3%. Growth is also witnessed in resident income. The per capita disposable income of residents reached 36,048 yuan, up by 5.4%.

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