Xiamen Court sets high standard for building intellectual property court

In 2019, Xiamen Court accepted 3,814 and handled 3,257 IPR cases in total, with the closing rate within the legal hearing time limit reaching 100%. The cases accepted and the cases concluded increased by 120.2% and 112.3% respectively YOY.

As introduced by Wang Chengquan, secretary of the Leading Party Members' Groups and president of the municipal intermediate people's court, Xiamen Court innovated the intellectual property trial system and mechanism, and promoted the "three-in-one" pilot trial of intellectual property civil, administrative and criminal cases. Also, Xiamen Court set high standards for building intellectual property court, extended judicial services at a high level, and effectively strengthened the judicial protection of intellectual property rights, thus providing high-quality judicial guarantee for creating a first-class business environment ruled by law conducive to innovation, entrepreneurship and creation.
